
Life and Relationship Coaching

Coaching is a solution focused alternative to traditional mental health therapy.

This approach focuses on education and skills training to give you the tools to move forward instead of spending time focusing on how problems developed over time. This style of helping people assumes that you are a person or couple who comes seeking improvement, with both unique strengths and weaknesses. The focus is not on providing you a label or diagnosis for your problem. The main concern is identifying the life goals you have individually or as a couple and removing roadblocks to reaching those goals. The process includes working with a behavioral specialist who utilizes a positive psychology approach to provide you with guidance, support, and accountability as you work towards accomplishing your goals and overcoming challenging behavior patterns. You will learn skills specific to your individual needs.

Launching into Adulthood

It is a very common struggle for many young adults to structure their lives in a way that allows for effective adulting. Being on your own without parents when you go to college can be a disaster if you don’t have the independent functioning skills to be successful. Dr. Dindinger and Dr. Skidmore are both experts at helping you increase the life and social skills necessary for successful launching.

Autism Launching

Dr. Rob Dindinger, PhD is an expert at understanding autistic tendencies and helping young adults on the spectrum learn skills to adapt to the adult world. Whether it is college, work, or relationships, there are special skills needed that often don’t come naturally to young adults on the autism spectrum. Dr. Dindinger is excellent at identifying deficits and providing skills training and coaching to help young adults on the autism spectrum launch into adulthood and find success.

Social Skills Coaching Groups

Many kids, teens, and young adults struggle with adapting to new situations. Life skills and social skills coaching can be very helpful during these transitions. This type of group is especially helpful for high functioning individuals on the autism spectrum who have a limited number of interests and find it difficult to relate to others. We provide social skills training while expanding and experiencing new interests.

Managing and Fitting into a Teen World

There is a dramatic shift in social complexity in the teen years. Many teens on the autism spectrum struggle during this time of life to keep up with the changes. Specific skills training targeting the growth of social skills during this time period can dramatically increase an ASD teen’s ability to adapt and succeed in school and community settings.

Marriage and Relationship Communication

Whether you are about to be married, newlywed, or have been married for awhile, a successful, happy marriage can only be as good as the communication. This is especially important when it comes to solving the many problems that couples encounter in their relationship. Let our experts put a microscope on your relationship and help you identify communication challenges and give you the skills you need to communicate and solve problems together.

Marriage and Relationship Communication

Dr. Rob Dindinger’s parent training series for parents of older teens or young adults on the autism spectrum helps parents to gain parenting tools specific to helping individuals on the spectrum launch into the young adult years more successfully. This 8-session parenting class will help parents gain the following skills.

• Motivating your ASD child
• Being a parenting team (Mom & Dad working together)
• Promoting a positive self-concept in your ASD child
• Gaining the ability to make choices
• Teaching your child to complete complex tasks
• Stopping the enabling of your ASD Child
• The gift of failure for individuals with an autism spectrum disorder
• The importance of self-care

Meeting of support group, therapy session

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